
Active Pharma

Active Pharma, Balbriggan

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This turn-key project consisted of the complete renovation and upgrading of an existing industrial unit for use as a pharmaceutical distribution center and associated office space

key issues

  • Installation of significant Mechanical and Electrical package, including passenger lift and sophisticated climate control systems

  • Entire internal fit-out of factory floor, including high-rise (10 meter) racking system, requiring super-flat floor

  • Fit-out to 3 no. floors of office space and construction of two-storey mezzanine floor

  • Civil works include upgraded drainage network and landscaping to overall site

  • Significant upgrading to external facades, including installation of new windows, curtain wall and new entrance porch

Client: Active Pharma

Architect: Andreas Heil
Status: Complete: June 2016
Contract: RIAI Yellow Form

Download Construction Brochure